Privacy Policy:
KES Tech Services will not sell or distribute any customer/client/business electronic information such as files, email addresses or phone numbers.
All customer/client/business files and information will be kept strictly confidential. Our goal is to keep all nonpublic information private and secure.

Terms & Conditions:

KES Tech Services its employees, contractors, or subcontractors are not responsible for and cannot be held liable for any damage to computers, equipment, electronics, property, networking equipment, or anything not owned by KES Tech Services. KES Tech Services its employees, contractors, or subcontractors are not responsible and cannot be held liable for any personal or business loss due to equipment failure, network, or equipment down time. KES Tech Services its employees, contractors, or subcontractors cannot be held liable and are not responsible for any equipment once installed or delivered to the customer, client, or authorized business representative’s home, property, job site, or place of business and are not responsible for removal of old equipment, waste and/or trash. KES Tech Services its employees, contractors, or subcontractors are not responsible and cannot be held liable for any lost or stolen property or equipment. Unless under a maintenance contract, KES Tech Services is not responsible for the general maintenance or service of equipment, software, subscriptions, etc. KES Tech Services does not support end of life or end of support operating systems, hardware, devices, software, equipment, etc. KES Tech Services is not responsible and cannot be held liable for any equipment failure, security breaches, viruses, malware, adware, etc., and/or any loss or damage caused by the above. KES Tech Services is not responsible for filing or maintaining warranty information for a product on behalf of the customer, client, or authorized business representative. It is the customer, client, or authorized business representative’s responsibility to keep/maintain any information, subscriptions, warranties, etc. related to a product, software, or service. If an installation of any equipment is needed that will alter a building in any way (ex. Drilling holes for wires, wall mounting equipment, etc.) and the building is not owned by the customer, client, or authorized business representative it is their responsibility to obtain permission from the building owner, landlord, authorized building manager, or superintendent allowing KES Tech Services its employees, contractors, or subcontractors to do the necessary work that has been requested. A signed letter from the owner, landlord, authorized building manager, or superintendent is preferred and may be required by KES Tech Services before work can begin. All invoices are delivered on completion of the job and due upon receipt. A late fee of $50 will be added per month to an invoice if the invoice is not paid in full within thirty (30) days of the invoice date. There is a $20 returned check fee. A 20% handling fee may be charged on returned products. A field service call fee will be charged per visit. This fee includes one hour of labor time at $125. After the first hour, the regular hourly fee will apply based on location and negotiation. The standard hourly rate is $125/hr. Hourly billing is charged by the full hour. The field service call fee may be charged on Quotes, estimates, & Consultations. KES Tech Services will attempt to confirm all appointments before the scheduled appointment by phone, text, and/or email. The customer, client, or authorized business representative is required to notify KES Tech Services at least twelve (12) hours in advance for any appointment cancellation. The field service call fee will be charged for a cancellation, no access on arrival or while en-route to the appointment location. All quotes and estimates are estimations/approximations in cost are subject to change and not a final or exact price. All quotes are good for seven (7) days. Any customer, client, or authorized business representative that verbally or by contract hires, authorizes or agrees to have KES Tech Services or its employees perform any work or services agrees to the terms, conditions, and privacy policy found here at The terms, conditions, and privacy policy are updated at a regular basis. Please check this site for changes. If you have any questions regarding the terms, conditions, or privacy policy please email KES Tech Services at [email protected] with “terms” as the subject or feel free to call anytime. Definition of customer, client, or authorized business representative is the person or persons that are authorized to hire KES Tech Services on behalf of their employer or business or a private person or persons hiring KES Tech Services. Equipment is defined as, but not limited to computers, monitors, routers, access points, switches, peripherals, game consoles, phones, tablets, televisions, DVD/VHS/Blu-ray players or any other electronic device.