General use, Maintenance, & Mobile Devices:

At KES Tech Services, we pride ourselves on our customer service.  One major part of that is making sure that our customers have the proper knowledge and training to use their products . Whether it is something new or something you just want to expand your knowledge on, we will sit down with you individually, or as a group, and teach you what you need to know about the products you have.

Being properly trained will help you to get the most out of your products.  We offer training on many different products, softwares, hardware, and devices. We want to help you keep your new technology or system running smoothly, by teaching you how to properly maintain it.  There are some things that you can do to your device to help prevent major problems from occurring. Depending on the device, we can walk you through proper cleaning procedures, proper storage, basic maintenance, troubleshooting and many other useful tips.

If you’re looking for assistance with that new mobile device weather its a smartphone, tablet, etc. we will take the time to sit down with you and show you all of the ins and outs of your mobile device.  We can go over everything from basic operation to maintenance, integration, troubleshooting, tips, and more!

Social Media, SEO & Marketing:

Looking to get you business higher on internet search lists? Need help reaching more of the public in your area?

KES Tech services can work closely with you to get your business out there and seen.  We can help you get a stronger online presence on the world wide web and in your community.  We can assist with everything from Search Engine Optimization (SEO), to make your website pop up before others in searches, to creating social media pages that customers can find and follow for up to date information on what your business is doing.Social media has become a major part of many peoples lives.  It is becoming rare for someone to not be on at least one social media site. Social media is also not just for individuals anymore. Many businesses are turning to it for everything from advertising to product updates. Whether you are new to social media and need help getting started, or are a business looking to use social media as an advertising tool, we can help.  KES Tech Services specializes in many of the social media sites that are out there today. We can work with you to get you going on whichever site you are interested in using. Whether you are looking forward to browsing recipes, pictures, and projects, or are looking for ways to promote your business, we can help!

Contact us for a consultation and to find out more!
